Dr. Richard Parker
Archaeologist and historic buildings consultant

Richard Parker is an archaeologist and historic buildings consultant based in Exeter, Devon. He has over 20 years of professional experience in providing archaeological building surveys and reconstruction and interpretation drawings of ecclesiastical and secular buildings of all periods.

Clients have included Local Authorities, Cambridge colleges and private individuals. Mr Parker is a committee member of the Devon Buildings Group and a Trustee of the Exeter Historic Buildings Trust.
Some examples of reports:
Parker, R. W. (2018). Archaeological Watching Brief and Documentary Research at St Nicholas’ Church, Ringmore, Shaldon, Devon.
Parker, R. W. (2015a). Archaeological Observations, with a Statement of Significance, at Windout Farm, Tedburn St Mary, Devon.
Parker, R. W. (2015b). Historic Building Survey of the former United Reformed Church, Tiverton, Now ‘The Oak Room’.
To commission Richard, please e-mail: rwparker@btopenworld.com